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february, 2024

18feb19 h 00 min0 h 00 minMusic for food - Boston


Event Details

Musicians from Marlboro
Sunday, February 18, 2024, 7:00 pm
New England Conservatory, Williams Hall

In collaboration with Music for Food, Musicians from Marlboro presents a concert in support of local hunger prevention initiatives. All proceeds from this performance will go to Women’s Lunch Place.

Additional donations can be made online and at the door.

Anna Göckel & Stephanie Zyzak, violin; Hsin-Yun Huang & Jordan Bak, viola; Chase Park & Christoph Richter, cello; Evren Ozel, piano

Coleridge-TaylorFive Fantasiestücke, Op. 5 [Sel.]
Dvořák: Piano Trio in E Minor, Op. 90
Webern: Six Bagatelles, Op. 9
SchoenbergVerklärte Nacht, Op. 4



(Sunday) 19 h 00 min - 0 h 00 min

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